Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I don't have any pictures to post. Just wanted to let eveyone know that Sara had her first dentist appt today. I am so proud of her, she would not let me sit in the chair with her. She wanted to sit by herself. She opened her mouth and let the dentist do what she need to do. Sara has perfect teeth, almost to perfect of teeth. She does not have much of an over bite and grinds her teeth. Her front to teeth have been grinded down a little bit, nothing big to worry about now.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Here are a few pictures from this weekend.....OK, maybe more then just a few.
Check out the boots....Some of you may know about them.
Sara loves these shoes. I can not get her to wear anything. She wears them everyday to daycare.

Sara loves this bike.

Pictures from this weekend

A few more pictures from this weekend!